Worship Service 03/09/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme: Prayer

Text: John 1, John 16, Philippians 4,


Prayer is about spending time in God’s presence–and enjoying it.

Israel’s failures were precipitated because Israel lost its heart for God,
and then lost its heart for God’s words.

When I pray, what am I really after?


Worship Service 03/02/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme: Loved By God

Text: John 16





Worship Service 02/23/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme: Prayer

Text: John 16:23-24


  • Is prayer a delight?
    • Is it only a delight when I get the answer I desired?
    • Is it a delight because it is an opportunity to spend time in God’s presence?
    • Is it a delight if God makes it clear to me that He wants to change me and my requests?
  • Our prayers ought to be informed by God’s word
  • Our motives for our prayers matter to God
  • Luke 5:16
  • Luke 10:1-20



Worship Service 02/16/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme:  King of Kings

Text:  Psalm 24;


  1. The Rights of the King. vs 1-2
  2. The Redemption of the King vs 3-6
  3. The Return and Rule of the King vs 7-10



  1. We should have reverence for the King
  2. We should receive the King.
  3. We should Rejoice in the King.
  4. We should remember the King is returning.


Worship Service 02/09/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Primary Text: Psalm 24

Supporting Texts:

  • 2 Samuel 7, “Who am I, LORD God?”
  • Exodus 19:5, “the earth is Mine”
  • Numbers 13
  • Joshua 7
  • 1 Samuel 4-5
  • 1 Samuel 8
  • 1 Samuel 17
  • Acts 5:1-16
  • 1 Corinthians 5:4-5
  • 1 Corinthians 11:30
  • 1 John 5:16
  • Philippians 2:1-8
  • Revelation 1



  • Because He is our Creator, we belong to Him.
  • Because He is Redeemer, we should be Holy.
  • Because He is King, we should celebrate His Rule and His Return.


  1. Reverence starts with humility
    • Christ is not to be merely prominent in our lives, but preeminent
  2. Reverence results in holiness


Other Resources:

Worship Service 02/02/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme: King of Kings

Text: Psalm 24


  1. The Rights of the King
  2. The Redemption of the King
    • God created us to be holy, and is now recreating us, in Christ, to be holy.
      • God is holy
      • Christ is holy
      • God gives us holiness through Christ
        • Being united to Christ brings salvation
        • Being united to Christ brings sanctification
        • Unity with Christ must bring both
        • Loving God doesn’t just mean that there are things we will avoid–
          there must be things that we desire as well

Helpful Lists From Scripture for Heart Examination

  1. 1 Corinthians 5:11
  2. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
  3. Galatians 5:19-26
  4. 1 Timothy 1:8-11




Worship Service 01/26/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme: King of Kings

Text: Psalm 24, 2 Samuel 6:1-19


  1. Christ made all things
    • Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created….”
    • Psalm 24:2, “…for he has founded it upon the seas….”
    • Psalm 33:6, “By the word of the Lord the Heavens were made….”
    • John 1, “All things were made through Him….”
    • Colossians 1:16, “….all things were created through him and for him.”
  2. Christ possesses all things
    • John 17:2, “…you have given him authority over all flesh….”
    • Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the LORD’s….”

Worship Service 01/19/2025

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Theme:  Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King

Text:  Revelation 5


Christ our King rules over us, for us, and with us

How does Christ Fulfil the office of a king?

Christ fulfills the office of a king, in subduing us to himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all his enemies.

  1. Christ Rules over us
  2. Christ Rules for us
  3. Christ rules with us.


Live it out!

  1. Yield to King Jesus.
  2. Trust the heart of King Jesus.


Worship Service 01/12/2025

Preacher: Caleb Ogle


Text: Hebrews 10:19-25



January 5, 2025 – Services Canceled

A significant amount of ice and/or snow is forecasted to fall on Sunday January 5th. This, along with strong winds and blowing snow can create a dangerous travel environment.

For this reason, we are alerting you a head of time that we expect to cancel church services for Sunday January 5th. If 1/4″ of ice or more is present or if 3″ or more of snow is expected to fall before 1:00 pm on Sunday, then there will be no services.

We encourage families to spend time on Sunday morning reading God’s Word, singing, sharing testimonies and praying together for spiritual encouragement and growth.