Worship Service 12/8/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Revolution 5

Theme:  Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King


Christ in His role of prophet, priest and King is forming a kingdom of priestly prophets who will joyfully declare His salvation and glory forever

  1. The Call for One who is worthy! 5:1-3
  2. The Confirmation of the One who is worthy. 5:4,5
  3. The Character of the One who is worthy 5:6,7
  4. The Chorus of the One who is worthy 5:8-14


Live it Out!

  1. Be motivated by a renewed vision of Christ, the Worthy One, not fear of the future.
  2. Be comforted that Christ, the Worthy one, knows what is happening in our church and will in direct, discipline and defend us in love.
  3. Be reminded that Christ, the Worthy One, stands ready to return at any moment.

Worship Service 12/01/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Philemon

Theme:  Freedom through Forgiveness


Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God.


  1. A willingness to give up our “rights” for the good of relationships.
  2. A willingness to put spiritual interests above self-interest.
  3. A desire to show others the same grace that Christ showed you.
  4. A desire to be humble, not just appear humble.


Worship Service 11/24/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  1 John 1:2-4

Theme:  Truth! Be thankful for it


  1. Truth is the basis for fellowship.
  2. Truth promises God’s Favor.
  3. Truth Fights against lies.
  4. Truth Fuels our joy


  1. Be Confident in the Truth
  2. Be Compassionate with truth
  3. Be committed to truth.


Worship Service 11/17/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Philemon

Theme:  Freedom through Forgiveness


Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God


Forgiveness and reconciliation require spiritual motives.


  1. A willingness to give up our “rights” for the good of relationships.
  2. A willingness to put spiritual interests above self-interest.

Worship Service 11/10/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Philemon 1:17-25

Theme: Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God.


Church families are like real families.

  • Real families are messy.
  • Real churches are messy.

Many people like the idea of church but don’t like real church.

Forgiveness and reconciliation require spiritual motives.

  • A willingness to give up our “rights” for the good of relationships




Worship Service 11/03/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Philemon

Theme: Freedom Through Forgiveness


Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God.

  1. Joy is accepting that I am reconciled to God through the person and work of Jesus Christ
  2. Joy is believing that Jesus is my satisfaction, security, and significance
  3. Joy is communion with Christ so that I experience these things fully
  4. Joy is a decision to put my faith and hope in Jesus’s life and love


  1. A biblical response to the law of love
    • Augustine describes true love for God as, “…the enjoyment of God for His own sake”
  2. A biblical response to godly counsel
    • Seek godly counsel
    • Humbly respond
    • Be teachable
    • Critically evaluate Scripture and counsel
  3. A biblical response to power of Christ’s work in others
  4. A biblical response to God’s wise plan
    • God orchestrates all events for His glory and for our good
  5. A biblical response to forgiveness
    • Attitude
    • Action
    • Reconciliation


Forgiveness and reconciliation require biblical responses





Worship Service 10/27/2024

Preacher: Caleb Ogle

Text: Matthew 5:3-10

Theme: Character


Sermon on the Mount / Beatitudes

  • “Blessed are the poor in spirit”
    • “poor in spirit” = those who recognize their utter need of God’s help
    • Luke 18:10-14
  • “Blessed are those who mourn”
    • Those who mourn over their sin
    • Psalm 51:1-19
    • Luke 7:36-50
  • “Blessed are the meek”
    • Humility to extend grace
  • “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness”
    • Psalm 63
  • “Blessed are the merciful”
    • Providing help to those in need
    • Luke 15:11-30
      • To the poor
      • To one who offends
      • Toward friends and acquaintances
      • Toward the lost
      • To animals
      • To people’s reputations
        • Treating sin seriously, but not not slandering or gossiping
  • “Blessed are the pure in heart”
    • Right actions, right methods, and right motives
  • “Blessed are the peacemakers”
    • Brokering peace with others and between others
    • Bring those at enmity with God to know God’s peace
  • “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake”

Worship Service 10/20/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Philemon

Theme:  Freedom through Forgiveness


Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God.

  1. Joy is accepting that I am reconciled to God through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
  2. Joy is believing that Jesus is my satisfaction, security and significance.
  3. Joy is communion with Christ so that I experience these things fully.
  4. Joys a decision to put my faith and hope in Jesus’ life and love.

Forgiveness and reconciliation requires godly character.

Worship Service 10/13/2024


Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Philemon

Theme: Freedom through Forgiveness


Finding freedom through forgiveness and reconciliation will increase your joy in God.

What are you Prepared to do?


Worship Service 10/06/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Philippians 4

Theme: Anxiety vs. Joy


“Depression” seems an inadequate word to describe the sheer hopelessness that people often experience

Prayer helps guard our peace and joy.

Anxiety is a natural response to a broken, sin-cursed world


  • Nagging concerns in back of your mind (mild)
  • Waking in middle of night (less mild)
  • Debilitating panic attacks / physical weakness (severe)


There are some things that you just can’t physically prepare for.

  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • 1 Peter 5:7-11
  • Philippians 4:4-9


  1. Reject worry
  2. Run to God in prayer
  3. Reap God’s promise of peace


Live It Out

  1. Write out your worry
  2. Write out what belongs to God
  3. Write out truth that speaks to your worry
    • God’s care, control, character, commitment
  4. Write out what God has commanded you to do

