Worship Service 12/06/2020

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Thesis: Choosing the Path of Joy


  • Psalm 1
  • Revelation 1-2


3 Elements of Our Path

  1. A desire: what we are  looking for (joy).
    • In this life, and in the next
    • Blessed = joy, happiness, fulfilment
  2. A direction: where we think we will find what we are looking for
  3. A destiny: where we will end up based on:
    • the steps we follow to achieve our desire
    • the direction we took


The Path we choose reveals two things:

  1. The object of our joy
  2. The object of our faith


Choose the right path!

  1. The desire of the godly
    • We are all in awe of something or someone
    • Whatever we are in awe of–good or bad–will control your life
      • Good gifts make terrible gods
    • Do you delight to do God’s will?
      • God desires not only our obedience, but our affection
      • Wisdom is just truth applied
      • We do what we truly believe
      • Blessing does not mean that we get everything we desire
      • Blessing does mean that the closer we are to Christ, the more joy and contentment we have
      • Blessing also does not mean that if we make right choices, only good things will happen to us
  2. The direction of the godly
    • People never think they will be the ones to fall
  3. The destiny of the godly
    • We position ourselves for fruitfulness
      • Spiritual  fruitfulness
    • One way we declare God’s glory is when we choose God’s word over sin
    • A wasted life:
      • Not that we are valueless in the eyes of God
      • But wasted time, energy, opportunities
    • The destiny of the ungodly
      • Loss in this life
      • Loss in the next life
    • “Jesus is rescuing me every day”


Live it out!

  1. Are you experiencing spiritual fruitfulness?
    • Galatians 5:22-23
  2. Are you experiencing spiritual health?
  3. Are you experiencing spiritual joy?

Worship Service 11/29/2020

Preacher: Caleb Ogle

Thesis: The light of the world


  • John 8
  • 2 Corinthians 4

Worship Service11/22/2020

  • Preacher: Jeremy Herbert
  • Text: 96:1-13
  • Thesis: God has commanded us to sing for His glory, and for our good.
  • Supplemental texts:
    • Psalm 19
    • Exodus 15
    • Judges 5
    • Revelation 5
    • Psalm 149
    • 1 Peter 2
    • Colossians 3
    • Ephesians 5
    • 1 Timothy 2-3


We Sing for God’s glory

  1. We were made to sing
    • “Creation sings the Father’s song….”
  2. We are commanded to sing
    • Over 400 times in Scripture
  3. We give God the glory He deserves when we sing
    • Kauflin, “…music is about our hearts…about what and who we love”
    • First book written about church music in America,
      “Singing of Psalms, A Gospel Ordinance” in 1650 by John Cotton


We Sing for Our Good

  1. Singing fuels our faith
    • Luther, “Music is a gift and grace of God”
    • Music beautifies the truth
    • Singing was at the heart of the Reformation
    • Evan Roberts, convinced that singing would spur revival
  2. Singing unifies our hearts
    • Not my heart singular, our hearts corporately
    • It fights selfishness
    • We sing a mix of old, new, joyful, somber, differently styles
  3. Singing gives full expression to our human experience in Christ
    • “I can tell how you are doing by looking at your playlist”
    • Joy, praise, thanksgiving
    • Sorrow, loss, lament
  4. Singing is a witness to the next generation
    • We pass on our passion for God when we sing for Him
  5. Singing is a witness to the world
    • What the world cares about, it sings about
    • When we sing praises to God, it hears what we really care about


How should we sing?

  1. Sing with your mind
    • Ephesians 5:18-19
    • Colossians 3:16
      • Singing is vertical (to God) and horizontal (to one another)
    • Luther, “…let His people respond with grateful songs of praise”
  2. Sing with your emotions
    • How we sing communicates what we believe about the content
    • Justin Martyr, “…medicine of the soul in grief”
    • Emotionalism is not the same as showing emotions
  3. Sing with your will
    • Praise, prayer, and proclamation
  4. Sing with your voice
    • That which enraptures your heart will come out of your mouth?


What should we sing?

  1. God inspired His word, and yet used human authors
    • Evaluate Christian songs for solid doctrinal content


Live It Out

  1. Let your love and awe of God overcome your fear of singing out
    • The closer you draw to Christ, the more you will have to sing about
  2. Learn and sing songs that fuel your faith and your family’s faith with truth
  3. Sing out in church so others will be encouraged to celebrate with you
    1. “beautiful cacaphony”




Worship Service 11/15/2020


Worship Service 11/08/2020


Title: The World at War

Thesis: Because the world is at war with God, we must make the gospel the #1 priority

Text: Psalms 2:

As long as people are at war with God, they are going to be at war with one another

  1. The war is a spiritual war, not a political one
    1. Ephesians 6:10-13
  2. There is no middle ground in this war
    1. There are only two kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness
  3. The battle is for who will rule our hearts
    1. Deuteronomy 6:5
  4. People are caught in the middle
    1. 2 Timothy 2:26


Psalm 1&2–These two psalms set the tone foe the rest of the book

  1. Psalm 1–Blessed is the man….
  2. Psalm 2–Why do the nations rage….


What is our response as Christians?

  • Acts 4:23-31
  • Let your identity in Christ define you—not your political affiliations
  • Let your biblical theology determine your values—not your political platforms
  • Make Gods glory your agenda—not a political agenda
  • Remember that God’s sovereignty determines your future—not your government
    • The world—or the nation—will not be saved—but we can save a lot of people on the way

Worship Service 11/01/2020


Worship Service 10/25/2020


Worship Service 10/18/2020


Faith Affirmations

Four Affirmations of Faith to see God do more!

  1. Purpose: I believe that the God of the Bible has the right to be and do what he chooses.
  2. Promises: I believe that God will keep every promise he makes.
  3. Power: I believe God has the power to make a way when there is no way.
  4. Plan: I believe that the means and methods God chooses to fulfill his promises are best so I will accept them with joy!

Worship Service 10/11/2020
