Worship Service 09/29/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Psalm 145

Theme: Spreading Joy


A heart that is fueled by joy in God will spread that joy to others.

  1. Experience joy in God
    • Public praise is fueled by private joy
    • Eternal commitment
    • Daily commitment
  2. Expand your joy in God
    • You can’t share what you don’t have
    • God is both good and great/powerful
    • God loves to show mercy–but God will judge sin
  3. Express your joy
    • Praise and joy are natural parts of the life of the child of God
    • God’s goodness cannot possibly be overstated
  4. Extend Joy in God
    • “one generation shall praise Your works to another”
    • We must pass on our faith in God–and our joy in God–to the next generation
    • One of the reasons the local church assembles  together is that they might remind one another of God’s goodness to build one another up in the joy of Christ

A heart that is fueled by joy in God will spread that joy to others.





Sunday Worship Service 9/22/24

Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Herbert

Theme: We were created to glorify God by experiencing joy in Him through Jesus Christ.

Text: Philippians 3:1, 4:4



Our joy is under attack, so we need to fight for it.

  1. Our joy is not automatic
  2. Our joy is under Attack.
  3. Our joy is assured by Christ.


Worship Service 09/15/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: 1 John 1:1-4

Theme: Seeking Joy


We were created to glorify God by experiencing joy in Him through Jesus Christ.

  1. We were created for joy in God.
  2. Joy in God is experienced through the person and work of Jesus Christ
  3. Experiencing Joy through Jesus is How God is glorified in us.


Worship Service 09/08/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 28:17-31

Theme: The Kingdom of God


  1. The Kingdom of God = The Gospel
  2. Mission: We have been called to make citizens of God’s kingdom from Jews and Gentiles
  3. This mission comes with a promise: Christ will be with us


v20, “For the hope of Israel, I am bound with these chains.”

Paul quotes Isaiah 6, ”

“Go to this people and say:
“Hearing you will hear, and shall not understand;
And seeing you will see, and not perceive;
For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,””

When God hardens someone’s heart it is a form of judgment.

  1. The Kingdom of God = The Gospel
    • The Kingdom & the Redeemer King
      • A people, a place, and a rule
      • God operates consistently throughout Old and New Testaments–entirely by grace




Worship Service 09/01/2024


Preacher:  Bruce Miller

Text:  Matthew 11:28-30

Theme:  Jesus Christ is the only way to Freedom that lasts.


Worship Service 08/25/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Acts 28

Theme: Serve where you are, not just where you’d like to be


Serve where you are!

  1. Focus on what God is doing.

2. Trust God to equip and empower

Worship Service 08/18/24

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 28

Theme:  Serve where you are, not just where you’d like to be.

Serve where you are!

  1. Every person and every place matters.
  2. Every effort matters.

Live it out!

1.Faithfulness is how God measures success.

2. Joyfully serve others in love and watch God open doors.

3. Share the hope you have.


Worship Service 08/11/2024


Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 28

Theme: Server where you are, not where you’d like to be


Paul’s Imprisonment:

  1. Reminds us to make much of the Savior, not his servants
  2. Reminds us that it’s not our church, it’s Christ’s church
  3. Reminds us that it’s not our plans, it’s God’s plans


Live It Out

  1. Make much of Christ and He will make much of you
  2. Be dedicated to biblical ministry
  3. Be flexible as you follow Christ

Worship Service 08/04/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 28

Theme: Hospitality


Hospitality is a powerful way to picture and proclaim the gospel.

  1. Start by growing in love for your church
  2. Welcome widely
  3. Keep the main thing the main thing
  4. Aim to bless, not impress
  5. Imitate, don’t envy
  6. Extend hospitality beyond the church
  7. Get the whole family involved
  8. Invite those often overlooked


Live It Out

  1. Pray for hospitality
  2. Prioritize hospitality
  3. Plan for hospitality
  4. Practice hospitality







Worship Service 07/28/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 28

Theme: Hospitality is a powerful way to picture and proclaim the gospel


Showing Hospitality

  1. Hospitality is rooted in God’s Hospitality toward humanity.
  2. Hospitality is rooted in God welcoming sinners and strangers to himself
  3. Hospitality is demonstrated in our ordinances.
  4. Hospitality is an outflow of a redeemed heart.
  5. Hospitality is commanded by God.


Hospitality is a powerful way to picture and proclaim the gospel.