Worship Service 12/10/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Hebrews 1

Theme: Jesus Christ fulfills all three roles of Prophet, Priest, and King


  • Prophet: receives God’s word and gives it to the people
  • Priest: intercedes for the people
  • King: leads the people
  • Christ is God’s word of Revelation
    • God speaks TO people THROUGH people
    • We cannot know God apart from His revelation
      • General Revelation
          • Through Creation
          • Through Conscience
      • Special Revelation
          • Through His Word
          • Through His Son
  • Christ is God’s word of Repentance
  • Christ is God’s word of Redemption

Worship Service 12/3/23


Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Acts 24



The gospel demands urgent action because time is limited, and the enemy is fighting against us.

  1. They are manipulated by satan.
  2. They are motivated by earthly pursuits and sensual desires.
  3. The will malign our character.
  4. They will misrepresent the facts.
  5. They will mislead people.
  6. They will mistake our dependency as weakness.



Live it out!

  1. Jesus has already defeated satan.
  2. Jesus is building his church and hell can’t stop it.

Worship Service 11/05/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 22:1




Worship Service 10/01/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Genesis 3:8

Theme:  Shame and the Need to escape


When we deal with the shame biblically, we can break free from the cycles of alienation, fear and escape

Shame is the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you. You feel exposed


  1. Humiliation- we feel naked and exposed
  2. Contamination- we feel dirty or unclean
  3.  Alienation- we feel like an outcast or outsider

Shame–> Alienation–>Fear–>Escape

God’s answer for shame from sin we commit is…

Repentance and faith which results in cleansing and restoration.

1 John 1:9

Psalm 31, 32, 38

1 Cor 7

2 Sam 11-12

God’s answer for shame from sin committed against us is…

Know that Christ hears, helps, and heals.

Exodus 3:9

Acts 9

“Disgrace is the opposite of grace. Grace is love that seeks you out even if you have nothing  to give in return. Grace is being loved when you are or feel unlovable. Grace has the power to turn despair in to hope. Grace listens, lifts up, cures transforms and heals.”

“Christ doesn’t deny our painful emotions…He seeks to heal them. Grace transforms and heals; and healing comes from hearing God’s Statements to you, not speaking your own statements to your self. God’s grace  to you dismantles the beliefs that give disgrace life. Grace re-creates what violence destroyed.”

-From  “Rid of my Disgrace: hope and healing for Victims of Sexual Assault.” -Justin and Lindsay Holcomb


‘s Answer for  shame from inherent sin is…

Understanding our “already, but not yet” state while embracing our new identity and His transforming power.

2 Cor 3:18

Live it out!

  1. Identity: I am crucified with Christ. (Galatians 2:19-21)
  2. Unity: I don’t do this alone.
  3. Reality: I can live differently by faith. (1 John 3:20)
  4. Fidelity: Christ will always love me.


Worship Service 09/03/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Genesis 3:7-11

Theme:  Shame and the Need to Escape it


When we deal with shame biblically, we can break free from the cycles of alienation, fear and escape

Shame- Feelings associated with (but not limited to) failure, public exposure, disgrace, embarrassment, social rejection, ridicule and dishonor.

“Shame is the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you. you feel exposed and humiliated.” -Ed Welch

  1. Alienation: we feel like an outcast or outsider.
  2. Exposure: we feel naked and exposed.
  3. Contamination: we feel dirty or unclean.


Worship Service 08/20/2013

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 21: 27-40

Theme:  The Church on Fire


  1. Christ gives us compassion.
  2. Christ gives us consistency.
  3. Christ gives us courage.
    1. Christ gives u the courage to expect, endure and embrace suffering well.
      1. Expect to suffer for Christ.
      2. Embrace suffering with purpose.
      3. Endure suffering with joy.


Worship Service 08/13/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 21:26-40

Theme: Christ gives us 5 essential elements to witness well in dark days


5 Essential Elements

  1. Christ gives us compassion
  2. Christ gives us consistency
    • Acts 9:15, “a chosen instrument”
    • 2 Corinthians 4:7, “we have this treasure in jars of clay”
    • 2 Corinthians 5:20, “an ambassador in chains”
    • Acts 20:18-24, “you yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time”
    • Paul, through God’s power, lives what he preaches consistently
    • Hebrews 12:1-2, “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith”


Live It Out!

  1. Jesus ran for us
  2. Jesus runs with us
  3. Keep running to Jesus

Worship Service 08/06/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts:21:26-40

Theme: Christ gives us 5 essential elements to witness well in dark days


5 Essential Elements

  1. Christ gives us compassion
    • Our motives our seen in our responses to our critics
    • A right heart produces the right motives, which will produce the right actions
    • Ephesians 4:26-27
      • Do not allow righteous anger to become sinful anger
      • Brashness <> bravery, bravado <> strength,  crassness <> courage
    • Paul’s heart was filled with love for God and therefore for others–even though they hated him


1 Peter 2:19-23, “…Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example….”

If we are going to witness well in darkening days, we will have to give the truth of God with the love of God


Worship Service 07/23/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Galatians 6:1-5

Theme: Peacemakers Follow A Biblical Pattern to Resolve Conflict


I.     Motivation: How do I Glorify God and do good in this situation?

    1. Our motives and methods must be biblical in order to glorify God and do good to others. 


II.     Examination: How can I show Jesus’ transforming work by taking responsibility for my part? Mt. 7:1-5

    1. Peacemakers let love cover as much as they can. 
    1. Peacemakers apply God’s Word to themselves first. Matthew 7:1-5 
    1. Peacemakers admit when they are wrong.

                    1.     They are honest with themselves and others. 

                    2.     Eight A’s of genuine confession. 

        1. Address everyone involved 
        2. Avoid “if, but, and maybe” 
        3. Admit specifically 
        4. Acknowledge the hurt
        5. Accept the consequences
        6. Alter your behavior (Change your attitudes and actions)
        7. Ask for forgiveness: this is an act of humility that shows real heart change. 
        8. Allow time. People need time to process emotions. 


III.     Restoration: How can I lovingly serve others by helping them take the responsibility for their part?  Galatians 6:1–5

    1. Be Compassionate. 

                    1.     Affirm the relationship: let them know you care and want reconciliation. 

                    2.     Listen well

                    3.     Speak truth in love: the words you say and the way you say it ought to communicate love. 

                    4.     Be patient. 


    1. Be Constructive. 

                    1.     Be Truthful: speak the truth in love. be honest about the situation. Don’t exaggerate their wrong or your right. 

                    2.     Be Transparent: let them see your heart. 

                    3.     Talk in person whenever possible. Too much can be misunderstood in text and email. 

                    4.     Talk as peers. Don’t use come across as condescending or superior. We can inadvertently use God’s Word as a hammer to beat someone instead a scalpel to help them. 

                    5.     Watch your tone: be careful not to come across irritated, condescending, or hateful. 

                    6.     Choose your time carefully: If they are tired, stressed, or angry it may make it unnecessarily difficult.


    1. Be Clear: Plan your words 

                    1.     Ask good questions to gain understanding. You are helping them examine their heart in light of God’s Word. 

                    2.     Choose words carefully. 

IV.     Reconciliation: How can I demonstrate the forgiveness of God and encourage a reasonable solution?

    1. Forgive, because you’ve been forgiven. Ephesians 4:32

                    1.     What Forgiveness isn’t

        1. Forgiveness is not acting like the wrong done to you is no big deal. 
        1. You can forgive even if the other person does not accept it or want it.”
        1. Forgiveness does not mean that trust is immediately restored. 

                    2.     What is it then? 

        1. Forgiveness is releasing someone from the punishment or penalty for the wrong against us.
        2. Forgiveness is not letting their sin cause you to sin. 
        3. Forgiveness is truly desiring and praying for God’s best in their life. 


    1. Protect your heart from bitterness. 

                    1.     God not only gives you the command but also the grace to forgive.

                    2.     Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.


V.     Live it Out! Philippians 4:2-9 

    1. Choose joy in the Lord over bitterness 4:4
    2. Let your gentleness be evident: choose gentleness instead of harshness. 4:5
    3. Pray instead of worry. 4:6-7: 
    4. Meditate on truth, not the situation. 4:8
    5. Keep doing these things by faith! 4:9



Although I am deeply indebted to those who have taught me these principles in different forms through the years, I want to give special recognition to Ken Sande’s book “The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict.”

This book has shaped my understanding of how to handle conflict. I highly recommend this book and encourage you to visit the peacemaker website for additional resources.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0801064856

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0801064852




Worship Service 07/16/2023


Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Matthew 7:1-6

Theme: Blessed are the Peacemakers


Four Principles of conflict resolution

  1. Motivation
  2. Examination