Worship Service 06/13/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Proverbs 3

Theme: Everyday Wisdom



Prov 1, “…the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.”

Wisdom is neither internal or instinctual–wisdom is outside of us, and must be pursued and applied.

Wisdom enables us to hold a right tension between truth and mercy, balancing them perfectly.

Wisdom starts with faith–because you won’t follow who you don’t trust.

Trust = faith

  • “…trust the LORD with all your heart….”


Hebrews 11, “…without faith it is impossible to please Him….”

There is nothing off-limits to wisdom–including money.

  • The Scripture talks extensively about money; your view of money is a clear window into your soul.


“Blessed/happy is the man who finds wisdom.”

  • Happy–man’s perspective
  • Blessed–God’s perspective
  • Both are true


Wisdom helps you avoid unnecessary pain

  • “The way of the sinner is hard.”


Live It Out

  • Test everything by God’s Word, 1 Thess 5:20-22
  • Actively and intentionally pursue wisdom in your home, inform your kids why you do what you do, Deut 6:5-9
    • What does the Bible tell us to do in this situation?
    • What do you want to know and know how to do biblically by the time they leave home?
      • Book recommendation: Shepherding A Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
  • Stay humble and hopeful

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