Worship Service 06/27/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Theme:  4 Principles To Be A Disciple-Making Dad



  1. Our mission is gospel-centered
  2. Our methods are God-dependent
  3. Our motives are God-glorifying
  4. Our manner is grace-based


It is your responsibility as a parent to teach and model the gospel to your children–
but their salvation is God’s responsibility.

If our kids turn out well, it is a testament to God’s grace and goodness–not a testament to our parenting.

4. Our manner is grace-based

  • Paul described his manner with the Thessalonians to a nursing mother (12:7)
  • Paul’s intent was to shepherd them toward spiritual health
    • cf Ephesians 6:4, “…do not provoke your children to anger….”
  • “…we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves….” (12:8)
    • Your children do not need more stuff–they need you
    • It is easy to buy into the lie that “this project/event/chore/task/sermon will not be done if I don’t do it”
  • “…we worked night and day….” (12:9)
  • “[we walked worthy, and exhorted you to do the same]” (12:10-12)


Live It Out

  1. Be honest and open about your failures
  2. Embrace grace
  3. Prayerfully plan changes
  4. Get help

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