Worship Service 07/04/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-7

Theme: Praying for the Lost


Effective evangelism begins with praying for the lost.

How to Pray

  • “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings” (v.1)
    1. Pray with awareness of the need –supplications
    2. Pray as worship to God –prayers
    3. Pray with compassion for people –intercessions
      • God-honoring prayer is not detached and aloof
      • Matthew 9:35, Christ moved with compassion for the lost
    4. Pray with a grateful heart –thanksgivings
      • When you are truly grateful for a good gift, it is hard not to tell about the one who gave it
    5. Pray with holy hands (v.8)
      • Sin undermines your confidence in God–and your prayers suffer as a result
    6. Pray while proclaiming the gospel
      • We are not to either pray or go–we are to pray and go
  • Who should we pray for?
    • All men (in general)
    • Those in authority (in specific)
      • Paul exhorted this–knowing full well that Nero was the emperor at the time
      • Pray that our leaders would come to Christ, pray for their well-being
        • Romans 2, “The goodness of God leads us to repentance.”
        • It’s hard to draw people to Christ if you don’t love them
      • Result: that we may live quiet and peaceable lives (v.2)
  • Why Pray?
    • God says it is good (v.3)
    • God wants to rescue people (v.4)
    • It pleases God joy (v.3)
    • Salvation uniquely glorifies the godhead (v.5-6)
      • Christ became a ransom not for masses, but for particular persons
    • It reflects the heart of our Savior (John 7)
  • Scriptural Examples
    • Samuel
    • Jeremiah
    • Daniel
    • Stephen
    • Paul (Romans 9)
  • Historical Examples
    • Knox
    • Whitefield
    • Martin
    • Spurgeon


Live It Out

  • Pray for our community to come to Christ
  • Pray for local, state, national leaders to come to Christ
  • Pray that our church would be a lighthouse of hope

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