Worship Service 08/15/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Ephesians 2:1-10

Theme: What Does the Bible Say About Identity: Who Am I In Christ?

  • Personal Identity
  • Social Identity
  • Restored Identity



  • Questions:
    • How did I get here?
    • Who am I?
    • Why am I here?
    • What is true?
    • How do I know right from wrong?
    • What happens when I die?
  • Ecc 3:11, “…He has put eternity into man’s heart….”
  • Questions of Identity:
    • The answers to these questions will determine who you are and what you do with your life
    • Who am I?
    • Why am I here?
    • Personal Identity
      • Your individual personality and characteristics
      • How you perceive yourself
      • What distinguishes you from others?
    • Social Identity
      • Your shared values with others
      • How others perceive you
      • How are you alike with others?
    • If we tie either our personal identity (what I think about myself)
      or our social identity (what others think of us) to the wrong things,
      we are going to have a flawed view of our identity

      • Since God is the author of who we are, He has the authority to rightly describe who we are
    • The structure of the book of Ephesians points to the issue of identity
      • As believers, our identity is inextricably  tethered to Christ
    • Every other source of identity is a false foundation of shifting sand:
      • Being a spouse
      • Being a parent
      • Being wealthy
      • Being creative
      • Being an American
      • Being employed
      • Being successful
    • Am I still who I am when I lose one or more of these things?
    • Am I still OK when I lose one or more of these things?
    • The “Disney problem”: when a protagonist looks inward to find truth, and lives out their own subjective truth apart from their any other truth
      • But we are born without any indwelling truth
      • We must find truth outside of ourselves
        • Eph 2:1, “…you were dead in trespasses and sins….”
        • Our will is by nature bound to oppose God
        • Apart from the regeneration of the (external) Holy Spirit, we will not come to the truth
    • Sin distorted our identity
      • But through Christ, we have been given a new identity
      • Our old identity has no power over us
        • 1 Cor 6:11, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified….”
        • Eph 2:1-2, “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked….”
        • 1 Tim 1:13, “though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent…”
      • We don’t define ourselves by how we feel or how well you do:
        • I’m doing great–I’m better than those other sinners
        • I’m doing terrible–I will never change or improve
    • A right perspective on our identity as believers:
      • I am loved
      • Not because I am inherently lovely
      • But because Christ has made me lovely
      • We don’t derive our identity from what we say about ourselves
      • We derive our identity from what God says about us
    • We are freed from either shame or pride because
      • God acknowledges our sin,
      • Christ atoned for our sin,
      • God accepts Christ’s sacrifice,
      • God transforms us,
      • God calls us His own
  • Live It Out!
    • Root out false ideas with the truth:
      • 2 Cor 10:5, “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,”
    • Meditate on truth of God’s word
    • Pray that God would empower your future through hope in what Christ has done

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