Worship Service 09/19/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Ephesians 2:11-17

Theme: We Are Better Together (Week 2)

Thesis: God has called us to experience spiritual health together in a local church family.


  1. God has gathered us together in a Person: Jesus Christ
    • John 17
    • Acts 9:4, “…why are you persecuting me
    • Acts 20:28, “…the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.”
    • Titus 2, “…a people for His very own possession”
    • Throughout history, when God calls a people He gathers them together
    • Throughout history, when God gathers His people He gathers them to Himself
      • Adam & Eve in the garden
      • Tabernacle in the nation of Israel
      • Christ in flesh
      • Spirit indwelling
      • Future state: we will be physically with God for eternity
  2.  God has gathered us together as His People
    • Ephesians 2:19, “…fellow citizens…household of God…building, temple, dwelling place of God”
    • Christ saved each of us–not just from death and Satan–but for His glory and His people
    • Salvation isn’t about me, it’s about us
    • We are saved by covenant–into a covenant community
      • Those are inseparable
    • “Like every family, we have weird aunts and loud cousins”
    • God made us for community
      • As humans
      • As His people
      • Heb 10, “…stir each other up to love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves”
      • 1 Corinthians 12, “…you are a temple of God…”
        • But more accurately, “…y’all are a temple of God…”
        • “you” is plural
  3. God has called us together for a Purpose
    • Ephesians 3:10, “…that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church…”


Live It Out!

  1. Make the gathering a priority
    • Planning to attend church Sunday morning starts before Sunday morning
    • Failing to plan is planning to fail
    • Failing to plan to attend is to plan not too attend
    • Prepare so that you can attend with joy





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