Worship Service 10/17/2021

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 18:1-18a

Thesis: Ministry can be difficult, draining, and discouraging–but the Lord gives us five things that keep us going.


Context: Paul’s visit to Corinth–much different than his visit to Athens

  • Athens was a city of ideas & philosophy
  • Corinth was a city of commerce & pleasure


Paul’s ministry in Corinth was quite difficult–and yet so fruitful.

The Spirit ministered through Paul–and to Paul

Ministry Is Difficult

  • “I will show you how many things you must suffer for my namesake” –Acts 9:6
  • Some people think ministry is like a vending machine, but it is much more like farming in hard ground
  • Those interested in instant gratification will not minister long


Ministry is Draining

  • Serving Christ will have a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual  cost
  • Ministry is WAY easier if you just don’t care–but serving without caring isn’t actually ministry at all


Live It Out: Why not give up?

  1. Because of the reality of the resurrection — 1 Corinthians 15
  2. Because God’s strength is greater than our weakness — 2 Corinthians 12
  3. Because Christ’s love motivates us — 2 Corinthians 5







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