Worship Service 05/26/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 27

Theme: Godly counsel can prevent spiritual shipwreck


Thesis: We can confidently face circumstances outside of our control
because God is committed to His purpose and His people.

“Paul wasn’t in charge–he was in chains.”

2 Types of Wisdom

  1. General Wisdom
    • Wisdom gained by truth gained education, experience, expertise
      • Example: Exodus 18, Jethro’s wise counsel to Moses regarding delegation
    • General wisdom is a gift of God’s common grace
    • Unbelievers may be gifted with general wisdom
  2. Spiritual Wisdom
    • Wisdom gained through revelation from God
      • Example: Proverbs 1


Rejecting biblical counsel is a downward spiral

  1. It gets difficult
  2. It gets dangerous
  3. It becomes disastrous
  4. We fall into despair
    • This passage is a counterpoint to the story of Jonah


How do we help those who have already suffered shipwreck?

  1. Give it to them straight
    • People cannot escape unaddressed problems
    • They cannot repent of that which remains unidentified
  2. Walk with them
    • When the crew shipwrecks on Malta, Paul gathers wood for a fire
  3. Give them the truth
  4. Give them hope
    • “Take heart men, for I believe God”


Live It Out

  1. Seek godly counsel
  2. Give godly counsel

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