Worship Service 06/09/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Acts 27:21-26

Theme: Moving Toward God in Crises of Faith


“When tragedy strikes, we enter a crisis of faith.
We either move toward God or away from God.”
— Bob Kelleman

When you are in a crisis of faith,
move toward God and He will give you courage
to keep moving and help others move toward Him.


How To Move Toward God

Acts 27:23, “…to whom I belong and whom I worship”

  1. Communion with Christ
    • “to whom I belong”
    • Don’t wait til tragedy strikes to move toward God
    • Ephesians 5, “…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
    • Know God and Enjoy Him
      • John 17:3, “…that you may know the Father”
      • John 15
      • Nehemiah 8:6
  2. Conformity to Christ
    • “whom I worship”
    • We become like the object of our love/worship
    • All of us are being conformed to something–either Christ, or something else
      • Romans 12
      • Ephesians 3
  3. Courage in Christ
    • Luke 8:22-25
    • Psalm 121, “…my help comes from the LORD”
    • Psalm 107
    • Paul’s faith/courage in this trial became a ministry to others for their good





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