Worship Service 06/16/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  1 Cor 16:13-14

Theme: Father’s Day- Men’s To-Be List


We need men who will be touch and tender like Jesus, through Jesus.

Through Christ We can…

  1. Be Alert
  2. Stand Firm.
  3.  Be a Man

“The Christian man,  it seems to me, is the nobles style of man; the freest, bravest, most heroic, and most fearless of men. if he is what he should be, he is, in the best sense of the word, a man all over, from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot. “  -Charles Spurgeon.

4. Be Strong.

5. Be Loving.

Young men, to you I would honestly say that  I would be ashamed to speak of a religion that would make you soft, cowardly, effeminate, spiritless, so that you would be mere simpletons in business, having no souls of your own, the prey of every designing knave. young men, I have tried the faith of Jesus Christ, and i have found it give me “pluck” — that is an old Saxon word, but it is exactly what I mean. It puts soul into a man, firmness, resolution, courage. “ -Charles Spurgeon


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