Author's posts
Jun 26
Worship Service 06/26/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 19:11-22 Theme: The Church on Fire – Overcoming Satan Notes: Luke 22:15-20 God is willing to work in people who seek him. God demonstrates his power over the physical and spiritual worlds to honor His Son and draw people to follow Him. Real ministry focuses on the Word of …
Jun 12
Worship Service 06/12/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 19:11-22 Thesis: God works powerfully in churches who minister in Jesus’s name Notes: The miracles performed in Acts were meant to confirm the message of the gospel–not an end in themselves. There will always be unscrupulous unbelievers who desire to piggyback onto the gospel in order to feed their own …
Jun 05
Worship Service 06/05/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 19:11-22 Theme: God demonstrates His power over the physical and spiritual worlds to honor His Son and draw people to follow Him Notes: God works powerfully in churches who minister in Jesus’ name. Real ministry focuses on the Word of God and not the sensational Real ministry exalts Christ, not …
May 29
Worship Service 05/29/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Luke 19:1-10 Theme: Notes: Summary of the book of Luke seen in 19:10, “…to seek and save that which is lost” Main thrust of the gospels is seen not in a history of Christ, but in the mission of Christ Luke was the only Gentile author of Scripture A running theme in …
May 22
Worship Service 05/22/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 19:1-10 Theme: Four lessons we can imitate from Paul’s evangelism strategy Notes: Urgency Variety Strategy Tenacity Paul used what he could to connect to different audiences: He quoted Old Testament to reach the Jews He quoted Greek poets to connect to Gentiles Strategy Be strategic with people Engage …
May 15
Worship Service 05/15/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 19:1-10 Thesis: There are four lessons we can learn from Paul’s evangelism strategy Notes: We need urgency There is a merciful God who wants to redeem people from their sin We need variety Paul met with radically different groups Disciples of John Synagogue School of Tyrannus This requires: spiritual sensitivity …
May 08
Worship Service 05/08/2022
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Proverbs 31 Theme: Motherhood Thesis: Godly women are a precious treasure to their families, churches and communities. Notes: Bathsheba: A godly woman who passed her wisdom to her son Verses 1-9: General Wisdom Verses 10-31: Motherly Wisdom Whether you have children or not, you may still have a positive impact on …