Author's posts
Oct 01
Worship Service 10/01/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Genesis 3:8 Theme: Shame and the Need to escape Notes: When we deal with the shame biblically, we can break free from the cycles of alienation, fear and escape Shame is the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with …
Sep 03
Worship Service 09/03/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Genesis 3:7-11 Theme: Shame and the Need to Escape it Notes: When we deal with shame biblically, we can break free from the cycles of alienation, fear and escape Shame- Feelings associated with (but not limited to) failure, public exposure, disgrace, embarrassment, social rejection, ridicule and dishonor. “Shame is the deep …
Aug 20
Worship Service 08/20/2013
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 21: 27-40 Theme: The Church on Fire Notes: Christ gives us compassion. Christ gives us consistency. Christ gives us courage. Christ gives u the courage to expect, endure and embrace suffering well. Expect to suffer for Christ. Embrace suffering with purpose. Endure suffering with joy.
Aug 13
Worship Service 08/13/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 21:26-40 Theme: Christ gives us 5 essential elements to witness well in dark days Notes: 5 Essential Elements Christ gives us compassion Christ gives us consistency Acts 9:15, “a chosen instrument” 2 Corinthians 4:7, “we have this treasure in jars of clay” 2 Corinthians 5:20, “an ambassador in chains” Acts 20:18-24, “you …
Aug 06
Worship Service 08/06/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts:21:26-40 Theme: Christ gives us 5 essential elements to witness well in dark days Notes: 5 Essential Elements Christ gives us compassion Our motives our seen in our responses to our critics A right heart produces the right motives, which will produce the right actions Ephesians 4:26-27 Do not allow righteous …
Jul 23
Worship Service 07/23/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Galatians 6:1-5 Theme: Peacemakers Follow A Biblical Pattern to Resolve Conflict Notes: I. Motivation: How do I Glorify God and do good in this situation? Our motives and methods must be biblical in order to glorify God and do good to others. II. Examination: How can I show Jesus’ transforming work by taking responsibility for my …
Jul 16
Worship Service 07/16/2023
Jul 09
Worship Service 07/09/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Micah 6, Hebrews 12, Ephesians 2 Theme: Peacemakers respond well to conflict so that God’s purposes are accomplished Notes: Responses to Conflict Some people run: escape, denial, separation, suicide Some people rage: verbal, physical, legal attacks Some people seek reconciliation: overlooking offenses, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and accountability Conflict is inevitable–therefore …
Jul 02
Worship Service 07/02/2023
Preacher: Bruce Miller Text: Matthew 14:22-33 Theme: Focus Notes: The record of Scripture and the history of the church display over and over what God can do with ordinary people willing to serve Him. 14:30, as Peter was beginning to sink he cried out ‘Lord, save me.’ How deep do you have to sink before …
Jun 25
Worship Service 06/25/2023
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: James 4:1- Theme: Peacemakers see conflict as an opportunity to examine their heart and draw closer to Christ Notes: Outward Causes of Conflict Misunderstandings caused by poor communication Joshua 22, making assumption vs. engaging in conversation Differences in goals, values, gifts, callings, priority, opinion, or expectations This is regarding things that …