Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 28 Theme: Serve where you are, not just where you’d like to be. Serve where you are! Every person and every place matters. Every effort matters. Live it out! 1.Faithfulness is how God measures success. 2. Joyfully serve others in love and watch God open doors. 3. Share the hope …
Category: Uncategorized
Jul 28
Worship Service 07/28/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 28 Theme: Hospitality is a powerful way to picture and proclaim the gospel Notes: Showing Hospitality Hospitality is rooted in God’s Hospitality toward humanity. Hospitality is rooted in God welcoming sinners and strangers to himself Hospitality is demonstrated in our ordinances. Hospitality is an outflow of a redeemed heart. Hospitality …
Jul 21
Worship Service 07/21/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 28 Theme: Showing hospitality can open gospel doors and lead to unexpected blessings. Notes: Hospitality is receiving and treating guests and strangers in a way that is friendly and generous. Hospitality is sharing your heart and home with others to show them the love of Christ. Showing Hospitality Make …
Jun 23
Worship Service 6/23/24
Jun 16
Worship Service 06/16/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: 1 Cor 16:13-14 Theme: Father’s Day- Men’s To-Be List Notes: We need men who will be touch and tender like Jesus, through Jesus. Through Christ We can… Be Alert Stand Firm. Be a Man “The Christian man, it seems to me, is the nobles style of man; the freest, bravest, most …
May 19
Worship Service 05/19/2024
May 05
Worship Service 05/05/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 27:1-9 Theme: Biblical Fellowships Notes: God sends friends and family to help us face storms calmly and confidently Three Reasons we don’t have biblical friendships. Eroticism has swallowed it up. Rugged individualism. The Tyrant of time. Why We Need Biblical Friendships. What is biblical friendship? A biblical friendship …
Apr 21
Worship Service 04/21/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Jude 1 Theme: Helping Doubters, drifters, and deconstructors Notes: We can Help… The doubter is an unbeliever who is skeptical about the claims of Christianity and the Bible. The drifter is someone who professes faith in the gospel and believes the bible but is struggling because of unanswered questions or confusing …
Mar 24
Worship Service 03/24/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 25-26 Theme: Dealing With Doubters and Skeptics Notes: Doubters and skeptics need to see a changed life coupled with a courageous witness. Some Responses of Skeptics They get stuck on philosophical or theological issues They find the supernatural aspects of faith difficult They see commitment to Christ as crazy There …
Feb 11
Worship Service 02/11/2024
Preacher: Jeremy Herbert Text: Acts 25 Theme: Pentecost: The Church on Fire Notes: We must each decide if we are going to live to please God or live to please people. John 12:42-43 (NKJV)- Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should …