Worship Service 11/08/2020


Title: The World at War

Thesis: Because the world is at war with God, we must make the gospel the #1 priority

Text: Psalms 2:

As long as people are at war with God, they are going to be at war with one another

  1. The war is a spiritual war, not a political one
    1. Ephesians 6:10-13
  2. There is no middle ground in this war
    1. There are only two kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness
  3. The battle is for who will rule our hearts
    1. Deuteronomy 6:5
  4. People are caught in the middle
    1. 2 Timothy 2:26


Psalm 1&2–These two psalms set the tone foe the rest of the book

  1. Psalm 1–Blessed is the man….
  2. Psalm 2–Why do the nations rage….


What is our response as Christians?

  • Acts 4:23-31
  • Let your identity in Christ define you—not your political affiliations
  • Let your biblical theology determine your values—not your political platforms
  • Make Gods glory your agenda—not a political agenda
  • Remember that God’s sovereignty determines your future—not your government
    • The world—or the nation—will not be saved—but we can save a lot of people on the way

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