Worship Service 05/28/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Joshua 4:1-24

Theme: The Importance of Remembering


Many times throughout history God gave His people memorials so that they might remember things.

Remembering God’s past faithfulness will give us courage for the future.

The Israelites under Joshua’s leadership setup the memorials in the land they were going to inhabit.

Remembering is important–but it can be misused:

  • Reminiscing–things used to be great in the past, but they aren’t any more
  • Regretting–failing to let go of sins and mistakes that God has already forgiven


  1. Remembering refocuses our hearts on what matters
  2. Remembering communicates God’s faithfulness to future generations
  3. Remember keeps us humble
  4. Remembering inspires awe
  5. Remembering prepares us for greater works




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