Worship Service 07/23/2023

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text: Galatians 6:1-5

Theme: Peacemakers Follow A Biblical Pattern to Resolve Conflict


I.     Motivation: How do I Glorify God and do good in this situation?

    1. Our motives and methods must be biblical in order to glorify God and do good to others. 


II.     Examination: How can I show Jesus’ transforming work by taking responsibility for my part? Mt. 7:1-5

    1. Peacemakers let love cover as much as they can. 
    1. Peacemakers apply God’s Word to themselves first. Matthew 7:1-5 
    1. Peacemakers admit when they are wrong.

                    1.     They are honest with themselves and others. 

                    2.     Eight A’s of genuine confession. 

        1. Address everyone involved 
        2. Avoid “if, but, and maybe” 
        3. Admit specifically 
        4. Acknowledge the hurt
        5. Accept the consequences
        6. Alter your behavior (Change your attitudes and actions)
        7. Ask for forgiveness: this is an act of humility that shows real heart change. 
        8. Allow time. People need time to process emotions. 


III.     Restoration: How can I lovingly serve others by helping them take the responsibility for their part?  Galatians 6:1–5

    1. Be Compassionate. 

                    1.     Affirm the relationship: let them know you care and want reconciliation. 

                    2.     Listen well

                    3.     Speak truth in love: the words you say and the way you say it ought to communicate love. 

                    4.     Be patient. 


    1. Be Constructive. 

                    1.     Be Truthful: speak the truth in love. be honest about the situation. Don’t exaggerate their wrong or your right. 

                    2.     Be Transparent: let them see your heart. 

                    3.     Talk in person whenever possible. Too much can be misunderstood in text and email. 

                    4.     Talk as peers. Don’t use come across as condescending or superior. We can inadvertently use God’s Word as a hammer to beat someone instead a scalpel to help them. 

                    5.     Watch your tone: be careful not to come across irritated, condescending, or hateful. 

                    6.     Choose your time carefully: If they are tired, stressed, or angry it may make it unnecessarily difficult.


    1. Be Clear: Plan your words 

                    1.     Ask good questions to gain understanding. You are helping them examine their heart in light of God’s Word. 

                    2.     Choose words carefully. 

IV.     Reconciliation: How can I demonstrate the forgiveness of God and encourage a reasonable solution?

    1. Forgive, because you’ve been forgiven. Ephesians 4:32

                    1.     What Forgiveness isn’t

        1. Forgiveness is not acting like the wrong done to you is no big deal. 
        1. You can forgive even if the other person does not accept it or want it.”
        1. Forgiveness does not mean that trust is immediately restored. 

                    2.     What is it then? 

        1. Forgiveness is releasing someone from the punishment or penalty for the wrong against us.
        2. Forgiveness is not letting their sin cause you to sin. 
        3. Forgiveness is truly desiring and praying for God’s best in their life. 


    1. Protect your heart from bitterness. 

                    1.     God not only gives you the command but also the grace to forgive.

                    2.     Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.


V.     Live it Out! Philippians 4:2-9 

    1. Choose joy in the Lord over bitterness 4:4
    2. Let your gentleness be evident: choose gentleness instead of harshness. 4:5
    3. Pray instead of worry. 4:6-7: 
    4. Meditate on truth, not the situation. 4:8
    5. Keep doing these things by faith! 4:9



Although I am deeply indebted to those who have taught me these principles in different forms through the years, I want to give special recognition to Ken Sande’s book “The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict.”

This book has shaped my understanding of how to handle conflict. I highly recommend this book and encourage you to visit the peacemaker website for additional resources.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0801064856

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0801064852




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