Worship Service 04/21/2024

Preacher: Jeremy Herbert

Text:  Jude 1

Theme: Helping Doubters, drifters, and deconstructors


We can Help…

  1. The doubter is an unbeliever who is skeptical about the claims of Christianity and the Bible.
  2. The drifter is someone who professes faith in the gospel and believes the bible but is struggling because of unanswered questions or confusing circumstances.
  3. The deconstructor is a person who at one time professed to be a believer but who is now dismantling (or “deconstructing”) their faith without Scripture as the standard of truth.


A-B-C-D’s of Helping

  1. Assess their spiritual condition.
  2. Begin with where they are.
  3.  Maintain healthy connections.
  4.  Determine the next best spiritual step.


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