My wife, June, and I were both saved the evening of December 6, 1977 in Homestead, Florida. We believed upon Christ, and that His Blood Sacrifice on the Cross was fully sufficient and satisfied God (Isaiah 53:11) for the redemption and reconciliation of every sinner. That evening, we, under the convincing of the Holy Spirit, became satisfied with the very Remedy that satisfied God, and Reconciled the World unto Himself. We knew then that there was no more condemnation (Romans 8:1), and that we were Justified (Romans 5:1).
Only about two months later in February, 1978, God called me to preach the Gospel and the Word of God. I began preaching immediately on the streets, in jails and in nursing homes. In April, 1978, I preached the Scriptures to a church congregation for the first time, in Perrine, Florida. God used my pastor to direct me to study through Open Bible College (Millbrook, Alabama), and I graduated with a Bachelor of Bible degree in May, 1983. By 1996, I had completed the Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology degrees through Andersonville Baptist Seminary (Camilla, Georgia). God graciously allowed me to pastor a local church in Florida for five years. Since 1987 we have been involved in itinerate evangelism and church-planting missionary work that has taken our family to China, Russia, and the Philippines. (Please see our What’s Current page.)
We welcome you to all of our pages, where will discover where we are currently, how to contact us, and some of the things that we have written over our years in the Lord’s work.
May our Lord richly bless you is our prayer.
Abram, Bethany, and Abigail